Profit from YouTube

Recently, many people have been wondering about the conditions for profit from YouTube. Whoever has been following YouTube for a long time knows very well that the conditions for profit from YouTube have become more difficult.

But why this article now?

Through my readings and research, I found that the most common question was about: “Terms of profit from YouTube.”

This is what prompted me today to write this article, not only about the conditions for participating in the YouTube Partner Program, but it will contain many other important points.

What you will learn from this article:

  • You will learn the terms of profit from YouTube in a detailed and simplified manner, with examples for clarification.
  • You will get to know the idea behind YouTube making these terms.
  • Furthermore, you will understand that these Terms work for you, not against you.
  • You will understand that achieving conditions cannot become a goal in itself.
  • You will learn a set of tips and ideas to achieve the conditions for profit from YouTube in a short time.
  • In this article, you will find links to other YouTube articles, which cover everything you need to be a successful YouTuber with excellent profits.

Are you ready? So let's get started now.

What are the conditions for profit from YouTube?

Below, I will include for you all the conditions that you must fulfill in order to join the YouTube Partner Program, and start making profits from YouTube.

YouTube calls these terms “YouTube Partner Program Eligibility Requirements

Condition 1: Your channel must comply with YouTube’s monetization policies

In the past, YouTube called these policies “YouTube Partner Program Policies”, but in September 2019 YouTube changed the name of these The policies are called “YouTube monetization policies.”

Profit from YouTube

It is a set of rules and laws that every participant in the YouTube Partner Program must abide by and not break. It is related to integrity, honor, and not deceiving or exposing others to danger.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that these standards and policies exist and are activated from the beginning … Yes, many do not care about them, but they represent a prerequisite for profit from YouTube and the continued achievement of this profit, and because of the many channels are banned, and their due profits are lost!

These policies are divided into four parts:

1. Forum Guidelines (Policies and Safety)

 which is a set of general guidelines regarding the nature of acceptable content on the YouTube platform, and a list of types of unacceptable content.

These guidelines are applicable to every content creator on YouTube … even if he is not a participant in the YouTube Partner Program, and you can learn about them in detail from the official YouTube page.

2. Terms of Service

 which is a set of provisions for using the YouTube platform in general, and by the way, it pertains to every user of the YouTube platform, whether a viewer or content creator, and you can learn about them in detail from the official YouTube page 

3. AdSense Program Policies

In order to start making profits from your channel, you must participate in the Google AdSense program of Google, and this program has its own policies that you must also adhere to in order to accept your account in the program.

You can learn about these policies in detail on the official Google page:

4. Guidelines for appropriate content for advertisers

We said above that the profit-making policies from YouTube are divided into four parts, and the first part was related to the general guidelines for publishing content on YouTube, which is specific to any video that is published On YouTube, even if it's not participating and has no ads.

These instructions are also specific to the nature of acceptable and unacceptable content, but they are special and more specialized instructions for channel owners whose ads appear on their channels, i.e. participants in the program.

And you can learn about it in detail through the official Google website.

The second condition: is that you reside in a country where the YouTube Partner Program is available.

This is one of the important conditions for profit from YouTube, which frustrates many young people around the world, and it simply stems from the fact that YouTube allows The YouTube Partner Program for a group of countries in the world, not all countries in the world.

The good thing is that the YouTube Partner Program is available in most countries of the world, and only a few countries are denied participation.

To find out if your country is available in the program or not, you must visit the official Google page.

The third condition: Your channel has 4000 public watch hours during the past 12 months


In fact, this condition of profit from YouTube is what confuses many, so I will explain it here in detail so that there is no confusion about understanding it again.

First, let's agree that the condition talks about 4,000 viewing hours, not 4,000 views.

The condition here is related to achieving a certain number of hours of viewing and is not directly related to the number of views.

Let's take an example: Let's say your channel has 1 video and the duration of this video is 1 hour, and your video gets 4000 views, but the average viewer stays watching the video for only 15 minutes.

If by simple arithmetic, we can know that your channel got 60,000 minutes of viewing. (4000 * 15 = 60,000), and this means that your channel has obtained only one thousand watch hours (60,000/60 = 1,000), so the condition of 4,000 hours have not yet been met.

Another example: You have 20 videos on your channel, each video is 40 minutes long, the average viewer stays in the video for 30 minutes, and each video on your channel has only 500 views.

If by simple arithmetic, we can know that your channel got 300,000 minutes of viewing (20 videos * 500 views per video * 30 minutes per view = 300,000 total minutes for all videos).

This means that your channel got 5,000 watch hours (300,000 minutes divided by 60 minutes to convert into hours = 5,000 total watch hours), and thus your channel has fulfilled the second condition.

Second: Let's agree that YouTube has set a specific time period to achieve views, which is a year.

Here, YouTube will look at the history of your channel in the last 12 months, and calculate the total hours of views to make sure that the condition applies or not, but the famous question that many asks is done I have to wait a whole year until the condition applies?

The answer is clearly no, you do not have to wait a full year for the condition to be fulfilled, but YouTube set a year as the validity of the views, and to understand this clearly, I will also put an example.

You have had a channel since January 2020 and during the year 2020 the channel achieved 20,000 watch hours, but for some reason, your channel stopped getting more views (perhaps because you relied on the trend strategy to get views and the trend ended and no one is interested in videos).

Also, for some reason, you did not publish more videos in 2021, and then your channel only got 3,000 watch hours.

And now we are at the end of the year 2021, and you are about to participate in the YouTube Partner Program. Here, the total views of your channel are 28 thousand hours, but you still do not fulfill the condition, because your channel did not achieve 4000 in the last 12 months.

Another example: You have had a channel since June 2021, and during the following 6 months the channel achieved a total of 4,500 watch hours. In this case, assuming that you want to participate in January 2022, the condition applies to your channel.

Note: According to YouTube itself, the views that count are public views, so if you achieve views yourself, they will not be counted!

This is a link through which you can know the status of your channel and whether the conditions apply to it or not: 

direct link to find out the status of a channel in making a profit from YouTube

Fourth condition: Your channel has at least 1,000 subscribers

YouTube will not accept your channel to participate in the YouTube Partner Program unless it has 1000 Subscribers at least.

It is worth noting here that getting only 1,000 subscribers may not be enough, because there is a possibility that some subscribers will cancel their subscription between submitting the subscription request and responding to it.

Therefore, I strongly advise you not to start applying for subscriptions unless you exceed a thousand subscribers with an appropriate number, and in any case, you will soon understand that obtaining a thousand subscribers is not suitable as a goal anyway.

It is worth noting that this condition and the previous condition the conditions for profit from YouTube are two new conditions that have been applied only since the beginning of 2018.

The fifth condition: is that you have an account on Google AdSense

To make profits through YouTube channels, but profit from Google AdSense is also available for website owners to make profits from their sites.

Once you achieve the two conditions of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours … you can access the Google AdSense registration link from your channel.

Why does YouTube set these conditions for everyone who wants to make a profit? 

The answer is simply that YouTube wants success like any big site, and success cannot be achieved without a system and laws.

We can divide the terms of profit from YouTube into two parts, a section related to respecting laws and policies, and a section related to the seriousness and requires harvesting a certain number of views and subscribers, and accordingly, we can divide the reasons for YouTube setting these conditions into two parts as well:

1. The reasons for setting conditions for use policies and publishing content

Most of YouTube’s policies are related to not publishing content that violates violence or exploitation of children, or contains sexual insinuations, or promotes prohibited products such as drugs or weapons … etc.

In fact, these policies are almost present in most social media sites, but they are also policies that exist for many sites that rely on the audience to create content.

Upon closer examination, you will find that these policies are very important to make YouTube a safe place for its users, and this, of course, will attract more users, and thus is in the interest of content creators who want to profit from YouTube like you.

2. Reasons for setting the condition of 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours

In the past, the YouTube Partner Program was crowded with millions of inactive participants, who were counted on the program in numerical terms only, but in practice, they had no activity.

Therefore, at the beginning of 2018, YouTube set these two conditions, in order to separate the serious and non-serious. If you are a serious person in making a profit from YouTube, it is natural that you will have followers, and you will easily get 1000 subscribers for your channel, and you will continue to publish new videos and publish your channel on YouTube.

You can read also: How to identify a successful YouTube channel

This, of course, will ultimately result in you getting more views, and you will be able to achieve the 4,000 hours of viewing normally without focusing while fulfilling the condition, and your focus will be mainly on success.

At the end of this part, we can conclude that the terms of profit from YouTube are supposed to work in your favor and not against you, so do not deal with them because they are obstacles, but rather treat them as laws that you must abide by, as if you are an employee in a company.

It is worth noting here that the conditions of 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers cannot be considered goals in themselves, and this is in fact a mistake that many Arab YouTube channel owners make.

My advice to you in this regard is to focus on constantly creating new content, working on building a fan base, and trying to provide the best videos you can present, to become a truly successful YouTuber, you mainly need to work on constantly developing yourself.

You should also understand that there are many other ways to profit from YouTube without AdSense, which you can use to make a profit from your channel while working to fulfill the conditions.

Tips to achieve 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours

1- Create a channel about something you love and care about.

This is the essential element Which will help you to continue, interest in the thing that you present on your YouTube channel will give you the motivation you need to continue, and it will help you achieve results in a faster time because you are working on something that you love.

2- Continue to publish constantly renewed content.

if you remember the two examples that I presented to you in the condition of 4000 watch hours … through the two examples it turns out that The more videos on your channel, even with a few views, the higher your chance of getting 4,000 views.

My advice to you here is not to stop posting new videos, regardless of the success of the old videos, and the article below will help you to get constantly renewed video ideas:

 YouTube Video; How To Create a Successful video  (tips for beginners)

3- Put quality as a primary slogan for you

In the decision to complete the video to the end, or lock it and search for another, better quality video. My advice to you here is to do your best to make videos of the highest quality.

4- Marketing is an important component of your success.

Many video creators believe that success on YouTube consists in making and publishing videos, and they believe that their role ends once the video is published, but the truth is that marketing is a very important element that must always be taken into consideration.

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