30+ Top MVC Interview Questions | DataTrained

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Introduction To MVC Interview Questions And Answers

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It is a formula in software design usually used to execute user interfaces, data, and controlling logic. It emphasizes the separation between the software’s business logic and display. This “separation of concerns” provides a better division of labor and improved maintenance. 

An architectural pattern divides an application into 3 logical components: model, view, and controller. Each component is created to handle an application’s specific development aspects. MVC is a popular industry-standard web development framework for building scalable and extensible projects. It constitutes the following components. Let’s have a look at them in detail:

MVC Components- The three parts of the MVC software design pattern can be marked out as follows:

MVC interview questions

1.Model: Manages data and business logic – The model defines what data the application should contain. If the state of this data changes, the model will usually notify the view so that the display can be updated as needed, and sometimes the controller, if different logic is required to control the edited picture. A Customer object, for example, will retrieve customer information from a database, manipulate it, and either reform its data back to the database or use it to render data.

2. View: Handles layout and display – The view specifies how the app’s data should be displayed. For example, the Customer view will involve all UI components the final user interacts with, such as text boxes, dropdowns, etc.

3. Controller: Commands are routed to the model and view parts The controller contains logic that updates the model and/or views in response to input from the app’s users. Controllers serve as an interface between the Model and View components, processing all business logic and incoming requests, manipulating data with the Model component, and interacting with the Views to render the final output. For example, the Customer controller will control all interactions and inputs beginning at the Customer View and use the Customer Model to update the database. To view the Customer data, the same controller will be used.

All these components of MVC make it highly popular among its users. This article will cover all the basic and advanced MVC Interview Questions. If you, too, want to get the dream job at your organization, having detailed knowledge in MVC will make you a sure shot and every interviewer’s favorite. This article will surely help you delve deep into the basics, intermediate, and advanced interview levels of MVC and make you an ace at your following interview.

You can also read related coding question:- Infosys Coding Questions

MVC Interview Questions For Freshers 

MVC Interview Questions

In this section of the article, we will start with the basic MVC Interview Questions that the interviewers generally ask the freshers.

1. What is MVC?

Model, View, and Controller, or MVC, is an acronym. Model, View, and Controller are the three components that make up an application according to the MVC architectural pattern. The model depicts how the data and business logic is structured in this pattern. It safeguards and preserves the application’s data. Model objects use databases to retrieve and store model states. Technically speaking, the view functions as a user interface. The user can alter the data while seeing the model used in the view segment. The component that responds to user requests is known as the “controller.”

MVC interview questions

This is one of the first MVC interview questions.

2. What does Model-View-Controller represent in an MVC application?

The Model-View-Controller representation in an MVC application is shown in the table below:




It represents the data domain of the application. In other words, the model contains application business logic and controls data maintenance.


It is the user interface through which end users communicate. In short, the view contains all of the user interface logic.


The controller is responsible for responding to user actions. The respective controller responds within the model and selects a view to render that displays the user interface based on the user’s activities. The controller contains the user input logic.

This is one of the important MVC interview questions.

3. What are the advantages of MVC?

MVC interview questions

MVC has the following advantages:

  • Multiple view support: Because the model and the view are distinct, the user interface can simultaneously display various views of the same data.
  • Change Accommodation: User interfaces are more likely to change than business rules.
  • SOC “Separation of Concerns”: One of the primary benefits of ASP.NET MVC is the separation of concerns. The MVC framework allows for the clean separation of the user interface, business logic, model, and data.
  • More Control: The ASP.NET MVC framework gives you more control over JavaScript, HTML, and CSS than traditional WebForms.
  • Testability: This framework improves Web Applications’ testability and provides good support for test-driven development.
  • Lightweight: Because the MVC framework does not use View State, the bandwidth of the requests is reduced to some extent.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions asked of the freshers by the interviewers.

4. In MVC, Explain the Role of components Presentation, Abstraction, and Control (PAC).

The presentation-abstraction-control (PAC) pattern is a type of software architectural pattern. It is an interaction-oriented software architecture that divides an interactive system into three components responsible for particular aspects of the application’s functionality, like MVC. PAC is used as a hierarchic structure of concern, with each agent consisting of three parts: presentation, abstraction, and control. Only the control part of each triad communicates with the other agents or triads. The following table describes the roles of the MVC components Presentation, Abstraction, and Control:




It formats the visual and audio presentation of data. It is the visual representation of a specific abstraction within the application.


It retrieves and processes to the data. It is the business domain functionality within the application.


It is a component that keeps consistency between the abstraction within the system and its presentation to the user. It is also used to communicate with other controls within the system. 

5. What is the MVC Application Life Cycle?

MVC interview questions

There are two main execution steps in any web application: first, understand the request, and then, depending on the type of request, respond appropriately. The MVC application life cycle is divided into creating the request object and sending the response to the browser. The four basic steps for making the request object are as follows:

Step 1: Firstfill out the route.

Step 2: Now fetch the route.

Step 3: Request the context created.

Step 4: Controller instance is then created.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions asked to the freshers by the interviewers.

6. What is MVC Routing?

Routing in MVC is mapping a browser request to a controller action and returning the response. The default Home Controller is routed by default in each MVC application. For the newly created controller, we can configure custom routing. The Route Config.cs file is used to configure the application’s routing. In MVC, URLs are mapped to action methods and controllers rather than physical system files. The routing engine creates appropriate routes to map action methods and controllers to URLs accurately. The controllers can handle specific requests using this. 

This is one of the essential MVC Interview Questions that interviewers ask freshers.

7. What is Spring MVC?

A Spring MVC is a Java framework for developing web applications. The Model-View-Controller design pattern is used. It includes all of the fundamental features of a core spring framework, such as Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection. With the help of Dispatcher-Servlet, Spring MVC provides a dignified solution for using MVC in Spring Framework. Dispatcher-Servlet is a class that receives incoming requests and routes them to the appropriate resources, such as Controllers, Models, and Views. It is a Java framework for developing web applications. The Model-View-Controller design pattern is used. It also implements all of the fundamental Spring Framework features, such as Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection. This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

8. What does the MVC Pattern mean by having three logical layers?

The MVC model defines web applications with three logic layers:

  • The business layer (Model logic)
  • The display layer (View logic)
  • The input control (Controller logic)

The Model is an application component that only handles application data logic. Model objects frequently retrieve and store data from a database. The View is the component of the application that takes data display. Views are typically created from model data, but other, more complicated methods exist. As the name implies, the Controller is the application component that handles user interaction. This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

9. What are the various MVC Action Filter types?

Sometimes we want to execute some logic before or after implementing an action method. For this type of scenario, we can use Action Filter. Filters define the logic executed before or after the action method is executed. Action Filters are characteristics that can be applied to action methods. Following are the MVC action filter types:

  1. Authorization filter – The Authorize Attribute and Require Https Attribute are examples of Authorization Filters. Authorization Filters are responsible for checking User Access.
  2. Action filter-Action Filter is a controller attribute that can be applied to a single controller action or to the entire controller. This filter will be known before and after the action executes, as well as after the action has completed.
  3. Result filter – The Output Cache Attribute class is an example of Result Filters. These implement the IResultFilter interface which like the I Action Filter has On Result Executing and On Result Executed.
  4. Exception filter – The Handle Error Attribute class is an example of Exception Filters. These implement the I Exception Filter interface and they execute if there are any unhandled exceptions thrown during the execution pipeline.
  5. Authentication Filters- Any other filter or action method is executed after the authentication filter. Authentication determines whether or not you are a valid or invalid user. The IAuthenticationFilter interface is implemented by action filters. This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions asked to the freshers by the interviewers.

10. What is Partial View in MVC?

A partial view is a piece of HTML that can be safely added to an existing DOM. The most common use of partial views is to componentize Razor views and build them easier to build and update. Controller methods can directly return it. In this event, the browser still receives text/HTML content but not necessarily full-page HTML content.
As a result, if a URL returning a partial view is directly invoked from a browser’s address bar, an incomplete page may be displayed. This could be a page that lacks the title, script, and style sheets. This is one of the most important MVC Interview Questions that interviewers ask freshers.

Visit on Related interview topics:- Amazon Coding Questions

MVC Interview Questions For Intermediate Level

MVC interview questions

This section of the article will begin with some MVC Interview Questions that interviewers commonly ask of intermediate-level employees.

1. What are the various steps of the page life cycle of MVC?

The various steps of the page life cycle of MVC are mentioned below:

  • App initialization-  In this, the application initiation takes place, which allows the application to interact with the server and start to run the components.
  • Routing- In this, the messages are routed to the server to make the delivery of the request easier.
  • Instantiate and execute controller- In this way, the controller handles the request and passes it on to display the output or replies to the request.
  • Locate and invoke controller action- The actions allow the controller to be located correctly and gather the action that must be taken on the applications.
  • Instantiate and render view- This helps view the result of the application being built.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

2. What are the two life cycles of MVC?

MVC Interview Questions.

MVC has two life cycles which are defined below −

  • The application life cycle –
    The application life cycle begins when the application process starts running IIS and ends when it terminates. The application start and end events in your application’s startup file indicate this. 
  • The request life cycle – is the sequence of events that occurs whenever our application handles an HTTP request. Routing is the starting point for every MVC application. When the ASP.NET platform receives a request, it uses the URL Routing Module to determine how it should be handled.

MVC interview questions

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions the interviewers ask to intermediate-level employees.

3. What is Database’s first approach in MVC using Entity Framework?

The Database First Approach to the Entity Data Model is an alternative or substitute for the Code First, and Model First approaches. The Entity Data Model generates model codes (classes, properties, DbContext, and so on) from the project’s Database. This class acts as a bridge between the Database and the controller. The entity framework is built using the Database First Approach from an existing database. All other features, such as model/database sync and code generation, are used. There are the following approaches that are used to connect the Database with the application:

  • Database First
  • Model First
  • Code First

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions the interviewers ask intermediate-level employees.

4. What do you mean by MVC Scaffolding?

MVC Scaffolding is an ASP.NET Web application code generation framework. Visual Studio comes with code generators pre-installed for MVC and Web API projects. Scaffolding is added to your project to allow you to add code that interacts with data models quickly. The scaffold can help you save time when developing standard data operations for your project. Field Page templates, entity page templates, page templates, and filter templates are all included. These Scaffold templates allow you to build a functional data-driven Website quickly.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions the interviewers ask intermediate-level employees.

5. Difference between ViewData and ViewBag in MVC.

The differences between ViewData and ViewBag in MVC are mentioned in the table below:



ViewData is used to passes the data from a controller to a view.

ViewBag is also used to pass The data passes from the controller to a view in viewbag.

It’s available for the current request only.

It’s also available for the current request only.

To avoid the error, complex data types must be typecast and checks for null values must be performed.

The complex data type does not necessitate typecasting.

If it is redirected, its value becomes null.

If redirection occurs, its value becomes null.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions the interviewers ask the intermediate-level employees.

6. What are the advantages of Area in MVC?

The following are the advantages of Area in MVC:

  • It allows us to separate models, views, and controllers into different functional sections of the application, such as administration, billing, and customer support, among other things.
  • It is simple to integrate with other Areas created by other MVC users.
  • Area in MVC makes unit testing easy.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions the interviewers ask intermediate-level employees.

7. How can to implement validation using data annotation attributes in MVC?

The table below lists all of the data annotation attributes that can be used for MVC validation:




The presence of a property value is specified.

String Length

In the string type property, Specifies the minimum and maximum character lengths that are permitted.


Specifies the numerical range constraints for a property’s value.

Regular Expression 

Specifies the numerical range constraints for a property’s value.

Credit Card

A credit card number is specified as a property value.

Custom Validation

Specifies a custom validation method for a property.

Email Address

Verify an email address.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

8. What are the steps to Implement Ajax in MVC?

The following steps are used to implement Ajax in MVC : 

STEP 1: Create a new Project and choose the ASP.NET MVC web application.

STEP 2: Ignore the built-in Models and Controllers and make your model.

STEP 3: Add “using System.Data.Entity;” to gain access to the entity framework’s core functionality.

STEP 4: Now, create a controller to write the code for inserting data into the database and displaying data into view.

STEP 5: Create action methods to insert and retrieve data from the database.

STEP 6: Now, add a view to show the data and a data-inserting field. I will add a view called “Index.cshtml” here. Then, write the HTML codes for the data input field, the submit button, and the data display on the same page.

STEP 7: Create the script for inserting the data, retrieving it, and displaying it to the user. Add the script right after the HTML code is finished.

STEP 8: Now, configure the Database connection Strings in “web.config” file of the particular project.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

9. What is TempData in MVC? 

TempData moves data from a view to a controller or from one action method of the same or different controller to another. TempData temporarily stores data and automatically deletes it after retrieving a value. The Controller base class has a property called TempData. As a result, it can be accessed from any ASP.NET MVC controller or view. The example below demonstrates how to use TempData in MVC to transfer data from one action method to another:

MVC interview questions

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions the interviewers ask the intermediate-level employees.

10. What is WebAPI in MVC ? 

HTTP is the most used protocol. The browser was the most popular client for accessing data exposed via HTTP for many years. However, as the years passed, the clientele became more diverse. We had requested that data be consumed via HTTP from clients such as mobile, JavaScript, and Windows applications. REST was proposed as a solution for satisfying a wide range of clients. WebAPI tech
nology allows you to expose data over HTTP while adhering to REST principles.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions the interviewers ask to the intermediate-level employees.

MVC Interview Questions For Advanced Level

MVC interview questions

This section of the article will start with some advanced-level MVC Interview Questions that the interviewers generally ask.

1. What are the Razor Syntax Rules in MVC?

Following are the rules for Razor Syntax in MVC:

  • Razor code blocks are enclosed in @{ … }
  • Inline expressions (variables and functions) start with @
  • Code statements end with a semicolon
  • Variables are declared with the var keyword
  • Strings are enclosed with quotation marks
  • C# code is case sensitive
  • C# files have the extension .cshtml

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

2. How to implement Forms Authentication in MVC?

Authentication is giving access to the user for a specific service by verifying their identity using their credentials like username and password or email and password. It assures that the correct user is authenticated or logged in for a specific service and that exemplary service has been provided to the particular user based on their role. The steps are given in the table below:

STEP 1: ON your favorite SQL Server database with any version.

Step 2: Open Visual Studio 2019 or another editor of your choice and start a fresh project.

STEP 3: Select the “web application” project and suggest it a proper name. Select “Create.”

STEP 4: Select the “empty’ template, check on the MVC checkbox and click on Create. 

STEP 5: Right-click the Models folder and add a database model. Add Entity Framework now. 

STEP 6: Right-click on the Controllers folder and add a controller.

STEP 7: Right-click on Index Method in the home controller.

STEP 8: Open web.config and add the following code for form authentication.

STEP 9: Similarly, add another controller for CRUDE Operation. Right-click on the controller’s folder and add a controller.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

3. What is Render-Body in MVC?

Render-Body is used to render the child view’s content. It renders a portion of a content page in layout pages. It incorporates the content of the child page into the layout. The Render-Body method indicates where view templates based on this master layout file should “fill in” the body content.

MVC interview questions

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

4. What is Render-Page in MVC?

Layout pages may also contain content that other disc pages will fill. This is accomplished by employing the Render-Page Method. This method can be used with one or two parameters. The first parameter is the file’s physical location, and the second is an optional array of objects that can be passed into the page. Render-Page is a page that reads content from a file. This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

5. What are Non-Action methods in MVC?

In MVC, all public methods have been treated as Actions. So if you are creating a method and you do not want to use it as an action method, then the Method has to be decorated with the “NonAction” attribute as shown below–


Public void TestMethod(){

//Method logic


This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

6. How to perform Exception Handling in MVC?

When an error occurs, you can override the controller’s “OnException” event and set the “Result” to the view name you want to invoke. We’ve assigned the “Result” to the “Error” view in the code below.

MVC interview questions

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

7. What are the steps to execute any MVC project?

The steps to execute any MVC project are given below:


STEP 1: Receive the first request for the application.

STEP 2: Then, the routing is performed.

STEP 3: Then, the MVC request handler is created.

STEP 4: After that, the controller is created and executed.

STEP 5: Then, the action is invoked.

STEP 6: Then, the results are executed.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

8. What are the various characteristics of MVC routes?

MVC routes are in charge of determining which controller method is called for a given URL. As a result, the URL has the following properties:

  • Route Name: For mapping the handler, the URL pattern is used.
  • URL Pattern: It is another property that contains both literal values and variable placeholders (known as URL parameters).
  • Defaults: This is the parameter value that was assigned when the parameter was created.
  • Constraints: These are used for applying against the URL pattern for more narrowly defining the URL matching it.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

9. How is the routing carried out in MVC?

The Route Collection contains a set of routes in charge of registering the routes in the application. The Register Routes method is used to record the routes in the collection. The routes define the URL patterns, and a handler is used to check if the request matches the pattern. Three parameters govern MVC routing. The first parameter, particularly the name of the route. The second parameter specifies how the URL must be matched. The third parameter is in charge of providing default values for its placeholders.

MVC Interview Questions.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

10. The difference between ViewResult and ActionResult in MVC

The difference between ActionResult and ViewResult in MVC is given in the table below:



It becomes effective if you want to derive different types of views dynamically.

It is not so effective in deriving different types of views dynamically.

It is an abstract class, meaning it has methods and variables without the implementation body of instruction.

This has been derived from the ActionResult class.

JsonResult, ViewResult, and FileStreamResult are some examples of its derived class.

This class does not have its own derived class.

This is one of the important MVC Interview Questions.

Conclusion to MVC Interview Questions

MVC stands for Model View Controller. It is a software architecture or application design model consisting of three interconnected verticals or portions. These three components are th
e model (application data), the view (the user interface of an MVC application), and the controller (the processes that are responsible for handling the input).

Typically, the MVC model creates modern applications with user interfaces. It includes all the necessary components for developing desktop, mobile, and modern web applications.

A solid understanding of MVC can make your interviews exciting. We are sure that most of your concerns about MVC interview questions have been addressed through this insightful blog. We have gathered a wide range of MVC interview questions that are frequently asked in the interviews.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is MVC a framework?

MVC is one of the most widely used industry-standard web development frameworks for creating scalable and extensible projects. Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that divides an application into three logical components: model, view, and controller. Each component is intended to handle a different aspect of application development. MVC is one of the most widely used industry-standard web development frameworks for creating scalable and extensible projects.

2. What are OOP and MVC?

Many programming languages contain the idea of an object. These objects have information and procedures. Objects can be tied to classes, a category, or a template that makes objects similar or different from one another. OOP is the concept that governs how objects (data) are created and managed. MVC is the set of procedures used to display that user to the user.

3. Is MVC front end or back end?

MVC provides the front end and back end for the database, the user, and the data processing components. Separating software systems into front and back ends simplifies development and separates maintenance. MVC is not about the separation of the back end and front end. Especially for MVC-inspired web application patterns. MVC and related patterns aim to separate presentation from domain business logic.

4. What is MVC in the backend?

MVC stands for model-view-controller. Here’s what each component means: Model: The backend containing all the data logic. View: The frontend or graphical user interface (GUI). Controller: The brains of the application that controls how data is displayed.

5. What is MVC architecture?

MVC is a three-part architectural pattern that consists of a Model, View, and Controller. Data logic is handled by the model. View: It shows the user information from the model. The controller manages the flow of data into a model object and updates the view whenever the data changes.

6. What is Spring MVC?

A Spring MVC is a Java framework for developing web applications. The Model-View-Controller design pattern is used. It includes all of the fundamental features of a core spring framework, such as Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection. With the help of DispatcherServlet, Spring MVC provides a dignified solution for using MVC in Spring Framework. DispatcherServlet is a class that receives incoming requests and routes them to the appropriate resources, such as Controllers, Models, and Views. It is a Java framework for developing web applications.

7. What is MVC Routing?

In MVC, the browser request is routed to the controller action, and the response is returned. The default HomeController is routed by default in each MVC application. RouteConfig allows us to configure custom routing for the newly created controller. The cs file is used to configure the application’s routing. In MVC, URLs are mapped to action methods and controllers rather than physical system files. The routing engine creates appropriate routes to map action methods and controllers to URLs accurately. The controllers can handle specific requests using this.

8. What is Partial View in MVC?

A partial view is a piece of HTML that can be safely added to an existing DOM. The most common use of partial views is to componentize Razor views and build them easier to build and update. Controller methods can directly return it. In this event, the browser still receives text/HTML content but not necessarily full-page HTML content.

9. What is TempData in MVC?

TempData moves data from a view to a controller or from one action method of the same or a different controller to another. TempData temporarily stores data and automatically deletes it after retrieving a value. The Controller base class has a property called TempData. As a result, it is accessible from any controller or views in the ASP.NET MVC application.

10. Why do we use MVC?

MVC is used because it enables rapid and concurrent development. When using an MVC model to create a web application, one programmer can work on the view while the other works on the controller to make the web application’s business logic.

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